Home Visits
Please telephone 0161 766 6622 to arrange a home visit. Please ring the surgery to request a home visit before 10:00, where possible, except, of course, in an emergency.
The doctor can usually see four or five patients at the surgery in the time taken to visit one patient at home, and often the waiting time to be seen is less. Therefore, if at all possible, please try to come to the surgery.
Home visits are strictly for those patients who are housebound or too ill to leave their home to attend surgery. It is a patient’s responsibility to arrange transport too and from the surgery, and not having transport would not be considered a reason for a home visit.
When calling to request a visit for yourself or family member, the receptionist will ask for details of your/the patient’s condition, in order to pass this information on to the doctor so that visits can be triaged and prioritised.